***FATS Digital Nets Thursday @ 2000EST/1700PST***
The following systems are Linked together! Get on one and hear them all.
The following systems are NOT Linked together, but you'll still be able to find members here.
40 METERS: American Legion Post 275 Amateur Radio Team (N3TAL), Glenarden, MD. Second Saturday of each month, 7.275 MHz, 10:00 a.m. to 12 Noon, Eastern Time with Net Control Everett, WA3DVO.
20 METERS: American Legion Post 10 Amateur Radio Club (N7ALA), Albany, OR. Every Monday on 14.250 MHz at 10:00 a.m. PT with Net Control Denise, N7OSU.
80 METERS: American Legion Post 28 Amateur Radio Club (KN4YQL), Spartanburg, SC. Every Thursday on 3.856 MHz at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time with Net Control Calvin, KJ4HGT and Tommy, K4OBY.
80 METERS: Enterprise, AL. Every Monday on or near 3.865 MHz at 7:00 PM Central Time with Net Control Art, W5ATK.
D-Star Net: American Legion Post 46 / Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club (W4CDA), Danville, KY. First Monday of each month at 8 p.m. Eastern Time on Reflector 56C with Net Control Station, Andy, KI6SEP.
VHF/UHF Net: American Legion Post 28 Amateur Radio Club (KN4YQL), Spartanburg, SC, listens for calls through the Mt. Mitchell Repeater, N2GE-R, 145.190 [no tone]. Every Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time, with Net Control Calvin, KJ4HGT and Tommy, K4OBY.
EchoLink / WinLink / All-Star Nets:
EchoLink Conference Net: American Legion National HQ (K9TAL), Indianapolis, IN. Second Saturday of each month at 12:00 noon Eastern Time on the *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node of the Family Motor Coach Association Amateur Radio Club. EchoLink NCS are Marty W9WMJ, Josh N9MEM, Bill NZ9S and Mike W9MNA.
EchoLink Conference Net: American Legion Post 28 Amateur Radio Club (KN4YQL), Spartanburg, SC.
EchoLink Node 593509 through the Mt. Mitchell Repeater, N2GE-R. Every Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time with Net Control stations Calvin, KJ4HGT and Tommy, K4OBY.
All-Star / EchoLink Net: American Legion Post 76 Amateur Radio Club (KB7VET), Las Vegas, NV. Every Monday at 7:00 PM Pacific Time on All-Star Node 44045 and EchoLink Node 740644, with Net Control Larry, W7LSE.
WinLink Net: American Legion Post 42 Amateur Radio Club (KB4KY), Bardstown, KY. Every Tuesday through Sunday, 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. ET with Net Control George, N2GWK. See https://tinyurl.com/AMLEG-Invitation. KB4KY repeater is available on Echolink Node N2GWK-R (node # 555604); KB4KY repeater is available on Wires-X Room KB4KY-ROOM; KB4KY repeater is accessible on YSF Reflector 68214 US-AMLEG-NCKOUON.
For over 35 years the American Foreign Service Net has met every Sunday on the following frequencies:
@ 1500 UTC - 14.316.00 Mhz
@ 1530 UTC - 21.416.00 Mhz
@1600 UTC - 28.416.00 Mhz
Mode: Upper Sideband
*Note: if 14.316 is occupied QSY to 14.319 MHz