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The American Legion Amateur Radio Club (TALARC)HF NETS

40 METERS:  American Legion Post 275 Amateur Radio Team (N3TAL), Glenarden, MD.  Second Saturday of each month, 7.275 MHz, 10:00 a.m. to 12 Noon, Eastern Time with Net Control Everett, WA3DVO.

20 METERS:  American Legion Post 10 Amateur Radio Club (N7ALA), Albany, OR. Every Monday on 14.250 MHz at 10:00 a.m. PT with Net Control Denise, N7OSU.

80 METERS:  American Legion Post 28 Amateur Radio Club (KN4YQL), Spartanburg, SC. Every Thursday on 3.856 MHz at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time with Net Control Calvin, KJ4HGT and Tommy, K4OBY.

80 METERS:  Enterprise, AL. Every Monday on or near 3.865 MHz at 7:00 PM Central Time with Net Control Art, W5ATK.

D-Star Net:  American Legion Post 46 / Wilderness Road Amateur Radio Club (W4CDA), Danville, KY. First Monday of each month at 8 p.m. Eastern Time on Reflector 56C with Net Control Station, Andy, KI6SEP.
VHF/UHF Net:  American Legion Post 28 Amateur Radio Club (KN4YQL), Spartanburg, SC, listens for calls through the Mt. Mitchell Repeater, N2GE-R, 145.190 [no tone]. Every Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time, with Net Control Calvin, KJ4HGT and Tommy, K4OBY.

EchoLink / WinLink / All-Star Nets:
EchoLink Conference Net:  American Legion National HQ (K9TAL), Indianapolis, IN.  Second Saturday of each month at 12:00 noon Eastern Time on the *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node of the Family Motor Coach Association Amateur Radio Club. EchoLink NCS are Marty W9WMJ, Josh N9MEM, Bill NZ9S and Mike W9MNA.

EchoLink Conference Net:  American Legion Post 28 Amateur Radio Club (KN4YQL), Spartanburg, SC.  
EchoLink Node 593509 through the Mt. Mitchell Repeater, N2GE-R. Every Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time with Net Control stations Calvin, KJ4HGT and Tommy, K4OBY.
All-Star / EchoLink Net: American Legion Post 76 Amateur Radio Club (KB7VET), Las Vegas, NV.  Every Monday at 7:00 PM Pacific Time on All-Star Node 44045 and EchoLink Node 740644, with Net Control Larry, W7LSE.
WinLink Net:  American Legion Post 42 Amateur Radio Club (KB4KY), Bardstown, KY.  Every Tuesday through Sunday, 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. ET with Net Control George, N2GWK.  See https://tinyurl.com/AMLEG-Invitation. KB4KY repeater is available on Echolink Node N2GWK-R (node # 555604); KB4KY repeater is available on Wires-X Room KB4KY-ROOM; KB4KY repeater is accessible on YSF Reflector 68214 US-AMLEG-NCKOUON.

American Foreign Service Amateur Radio Net

For over 35 years the American Foreign Service Net has met every Sunday on the following frequencies:
@ 1500 UTC - 14.316.00 Mhz
@ 1530 UTC - 21.416.00 Mhz
@1600 UTC - 28.416.00 Mhz
Mode: Upper Sideband
*Note: if 14.316 is occupied QSY to 14.319 MHz